Attic Sale
The Attic Sale is the only fundraiser the League host each year, and funds raised are invested right back into our community through our various projects.
How We Help
We are very thankful to our community and we wouldn’t be successful without the kind donations of items and corporate sponsorships we receive each year. If you have items you would like to donate to the Attic Sale, please email We will gladly pick up items from your home.
Become a Sponsor!! Each year, local businesses contribute to the success of the Attic Sale Fundraiser by becoming a sponsor. If your business is interested in being a sponsor for the 2019 year, please email for more information or complete the Sponsorship Form and mail to PO BOX 1425 | Statesboro, GA 30459.
Please make all checks payable to Statesboro Service League. Below is a list of Sponsorship Levels.